My clients

My clients

My clients

Hundreds of persons working in the area of international development, humanitarian aid, human rights or have been victims of political violence and war.

These companies in diferent context and countries


Unité, Switzerland

Swissaid, Switzerland

Swisscontact, Switzerland

Comundo, Switzerland

Agiamondo, Köln, Germany

Hitachi, Zürich, Switzerland

Mitplan, Rüti, Switezrland

Libereco, Berlin, Zürich 

Somatic Experiencing International, Boulder USA

Caritas Lebanon

Puntos de Encuentro, Nicaragua

Nicasalud, Nicaragua

PHF, Pakistan

Rozan, Pakistan

Alianza Sanjuanera, Municipio Autónomo de San Juan Puerto Rico

Rain Barrel Communication, New York, USA

Casa Refugiados, Mexico

Encuentro, Albuquerque

2nd European Conference on Somatic Experiencing (SE), Potsdam Germany